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Fertility treatment and work

How to deal with fertility issues at work

Something we see many of our clients struggling with throughout their cycles is how to deal with work as well as their fertility treatment. One of the challenges women face when going through IVF is to whether to tell their colleagues and bosses; some companies are very good, and of course all should be, but it can still be a difficult subject to raise.

Here are my tips when you’re going through fertility treatment while working:

  • It’s hard work doing IVF and working full time as it needs some preparation, especially in the first 10 days or so when you need to have scans and blood tests during the monitoring phase of your cycle. If you are able to take this time off then do, but understandably many won’t, so make sure you plan your diary carefully and allow time not only for the appointment, but factor in delays as appointments don’t always run to time and the last thing you want to be feeling on top of everything else, is stressed that you won’t be back in the office when you said you would be.
  • Focus on what you are doing, and don’t try to schedule in exercise or adding another long to do list at work to your already busy schedule!
  • Build your reserves, go to bed early and sleep as much as you can, use visualisation to make the world around you a calm, peaceful place. Before you embark on the cycle, ensure your bedroom feels like a calming sanctuary, so keep it as decluttered as possible so that when it comes to going to sleep, your mind and body feel as relaxed as they can.
  • Don’t take on any extra chaos at work or in your life, look after yourself first and foremost! We’ve got all those collegaues who we love dearly but who also can cause immense stress – try to stay away from these situations as much as you can while you’re going through IVF.
  • Nourish yourself, but do build in a few treats, it’s already a challenging enough time without feeling you can’t enjoy your favourite cake or chocolate bar. Although I would advise no alcohol during your IVF cycle I’m afraid.
  • Ask your partner for help to support you, and make sure you are there for him as well. This is something you’re going through together so make sure you look out for each other and talk through how you are both feeling. Friends, family and colleagues would also love to help, but many just don’t know what to say! Bring them in (if you want to) as sometimes it’s good to talk things through with an outsider. If you feel you need more support than this, hypnotherapy can really benefit you.